Saturday, April 14, 2012

14 year old Lacy Aaron Schmidt Murders Friend, Blames Black Guy

Lacy Aaron Schmidt

Don't know if you heard about this poor kid, but 15 year old Lacy Aaron Schmidt was just found guilty of murdering his friend and neighbor, 14 year old Alana Calahan, in January of 2011.  Alana Calahans family treated him like one of the family, had him over for dinners with the family, bought him Christmas presents, etc etc.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that he was being raised by his older sister because he was molested as a baby by his mother, that he was on medication for ADHD and that he had serious anger problems.

So one day, he sneaks into Alana's home while no one is there and is just there hangin out. Alana catches him and tells her family.  They later instruct him to never be in the home without a parent.  After hearing this he leaves quietly.  Well another day rolls around and Alana is home on the computer.  Her sister has just left to pick up their brother at the bus stop.  When she returns ten minutes later, there's a pool of blood near the computer and Lacy Aaron Schmidt runs in and says that a Black man dressed in black murdered her. We later find out that Lacy Aaron Schmidt shot her in the back of the head and drags her dead body into the woods.

So of course the cops show up and find all the evidence to arrest and later convict him of malice murder and felony murder.  He has been sentenced to life without parole plus five years. 

Now after watching the trial on court tv.  It's revealed by his older sister and guardian that he has issues and that his whole life whenever he got angry and did something wrong, he would blame a Black guy dressed in black.  So sad that even a 14 year old is conditioned to think of Black people in a negative light.

Now what we'd like to know is...Why is it that when crazy White people commit a heinous crime they blame a Black guy?  I'll tell you why...because in America if a crime is committed,  "It's Because You're Black" that you are an automatic suspect.  


  1. You are Despicable, Not everything in the world is Racist, I don't know if you are religious or believe in Demons but he was referring to a Demon, "The Black Man Dressed In Black" I know because this is my brother, my Brother always had problems he had his shadow just like everyone else. He asked God to take his shadow away while he was locked up. You don't Know my brother and neither have you taken the time to talk to him, because if you had taken the time out of your day to talk to him you would've realized he's not racist. But look at the one pointing fingers You are trying to fuel this never ending race war with something someone who is in PRISON FOR LIFE and will never get to speak his side of the story that is wrong. You're the one saying who's Racist No one would care if you didn't cause a scene everyone would continue on with their lives as they do everyday.

    1. He was not talking about demons. Your brother is a racist murderer who is exactly where he belongs.

    2. Fortunately your murderous brother is where he can no longer harm any other innocent people.

  2. Wow, well said sister. I'm glad you had the courage to speak your mind on this subject because I myself feel the same way. I feel like no matter what a white person says it is common practice to judge them racist rite away. I could go on for ever with examples but there's no real point. I don't want to be the one (as you said) adding fuel. People need to get over the race issue and focus on the real problems this world has.

  3. It's not about being racist.I watched his story and I absolutely believe it was an accident. My God he was a child! What child wouldn't be afraid to reveal the truth right away. They do not have a developed mind. Everyone needs to put themselves in his situation. Quit judging, I believe he has a right to start his life over. God bless him.

    1. I totally agree with you. He was a petrified kid who had just done something so bad he couldn't even think straight and then he had 2 big cops pushing for answers. Of course he was going to lie, he was a teenager in big big trouble. There was no one there to support him, he was on his own. Adults know they can call a lawyer...this kid knew nothing. Doesn't make what he did okay. But he was just a kid.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Who cares. He could have said it was a man. But no, he said it was a Black man. I wondered if it was reversed would people still defend his accusation... so tired of the same crap played out over and over!

    5. He did not say it was a black man omg

  4. I'm not 100% convinced (based on what I saw on a documentary,not the trial) that this was an accident but I agree that he was immature and had many psychological issues because of his terrible experiences . This doesn't mean he should not pay for his crime, but the system that throws a damaged 15 year old into jail full of grown men and does not provide the level of rehabilitation and counselling that such a messed up kid needs, is really like putting a band aid on an amputation. I think he deserved a chance to make up for what he did by living a decent life. Yes there are many who have been abused and ill treated who would never murder someone but each and every human being is different, each person has a level of what they can cope with and tolerate. Some people get pushed beyond what they are able to process and that really messes with the psyche. Add youth and an undeveloped frontal cortex and you get what happened here. These troubled kids need to be held accountable, for sure, but they also need help. May Alana rest in peace. My heart breaks for her family.

    1. Well said! I couldn’t agree more ~~Kelly~~

    2. Don't know really the truth cause everyone has a story but I will tell you this, I have had my share of crazies and it is plausible that this person did it purposely especially if you take into account the black guy that was not black that was white that kidnapped the victim. His bull about setting himself up that oh nooo I touched the body, now I will be blamed. His story is that of a person that knows what he did, did it cause he wanted to and now thinks he can cover with a bull story.

  5. Aaron made this about race when he blamed a black man for his crime.

  6. He is a cold blooded killer who murdered an innocent child. He should never be let out of prison. He should rot there until he dies.

  7. I only recently learned of this sad start and it breaks my heart. I pray for Alana's family and I pray for Aaron. While I feel that he should be punished, life without parole is not right for a 14yr old child; Especially one who had no guidance or structure in his upbringing. His family should contact Steve Reba and appeal to the Supreme Court.

  8. My school is doing a project on your brother he planned the murder out this what we found read every single article there is he wanted to kill her but i would give him another chance in life but if he kills again or if he does another crimes he him in jail.

  9. I have seen far worse murders where the murderer got 20, 25 years. How this kid gets life without parole? There was nothing in his past that indicated he was a serial killer or anything like that

  10. This guy needs to be released he's not even the same person I mean he's literally not his whole cellular structure has been replaced but this country rather lock someone up at all times then see.them on the street

    1. If you feel for him join him in his cell and confort him, for our protection, he needs to stay therw

  11. I dont agree with life withot parole, but maybe 56 years so he is too feeble to harm anyone else

  12. I hear some many people defending him, thw "he needs help not jail" Driving taxi I once I took a safety seminar in ft myers FL given by current and retired police officials, during brake one such official, retired from ny was saying " kids in florida dont get second chances like in ny"
    And i have to say : kids in FL do get second chances just not infinite number like they do up there, if so then florida would be covered with grafitty, and would be much less safe and do you know that most kids who kill in ny do not get jail time!!! Even some adults, how would you like to walk around them?
